About Us
LTS has been developing applications in all areas of the Logistics industry since 2010. Our projects designed and developed by us in 2013 were identified and supported within the priority projects group that should be supported by Tübitak, and they were accepted into Teknopark and continue to operate within Teknopark.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide services that enable our customers to increase their productivity and profitability with our products that are constantly evolving and making a difference.
Our Vision
Our Vision To ensure the unconditional satisfaction of our solution partners in all the services we provide and to be a leading company in the sector.
- The future will come with us!
Time Management
We will get your work done on time.
New Ideas
We always come up with new ideas to make the job better.
Application Support
We provide support to solve any problem that may occur in your application.
We secure your business with high protection stands.
Logistics Management Information System
A management information system software that forms the institutional infrastructure of companies engaged in complete transportation from one point to another, transportation from one point to multiple points, partial transportation, using own vehicles, or utilizing vehicle suppliers.
Distribution Management Information System
It is an automation specially designed for the industry to create the business's system infrastructure, responding to all its needs. It operates entirely within the framework of permissions, controlling users within this framework and enabling all users to perform actions only within their authorized limits. It records all performed actions comprehensively, providing administrators with these data in the form of continuous detailed or summary reports. Starting from distribution receipts, it supports the document creation system with all financial modules, generating all possible transaction and financial analyses that may be requested at the end of each period, offering services to administrators as a consultant would.

Ekan Mehmet Oyman
Onur Demiralay
Software DeveloperContact
Contact Us
İkitelli Organized Industrial Zone, Demirciler Sitesi, Yıldız Technical University Technopark, Floor 1/112
0212 871 45 30
0549 264 18 04